The Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California
The Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California was officially incorporated on June 21, 1974 and continues today as a thriving community. The Center, affectionately named Meherabode - home of the compassionate one, is devoted to providing a community focus where those who love Meher Baba, as well as those interested in knowing more about Him, can gather together in His name.
Meher Baba said, "My center is the heart of every lover. Every lover with a heart that loves Baba is a center. Whoever wants to work spreading my Message of Love and Truth, absolutely needs a central office and groups of workers who can function from a central office. There is always a need for a group to have a center. You can have many such centers. I would like you all to belong to certain groups because you can cooperate and tell others about me and share your thoughts. You learn much more than when you remain by yourself. When you listen, exchange thoughts and prayers, my presence is there. Where there are five collected together, Parameshwar is there, I am there. If you are talking of me, have love for me, then I am there."
Mission Statement
The specific and primary purpose is to nurture an awareness of Avatar Meher Baba by establishing and maintaining a place of community.
The Center shall make information about our Beloved Avatar Meher Baba's life and His message of Love and Truth available to all.
It shall provide an opportunity for active love and service in His name.
It shall be organized and run according to democratic principles.
It shall undertake and/or support, directly or indirectly, such projects, programs, services or activities at such times and in such places, within or without the State of California or the United States of America, as the Board of Directors of the corporation determine are appropriate to further or make manifest the spiritual values exemplified in the life and writings of Avatar Meher Baba, and to bring the restorative power of divine love into people's lives everywhere.