L.A. Annual Sahavas
The Sahavas Gathering
Every year since 1976, the Center has sponsored a spiritual retreat. This retreat called Sahavas, which means "sharing in the intimate company of the Beloved," provides an opportunity to remove oneself from the demands of daily life and spend time in remembrance of Meher Baba and His messages of Divine Love and Truth.
In recent years, the annual Silence Day Sahavas has been held on the grounds of Meherabode, our beautiful oasis in the middle of the bustling City of Los Angeles. It extends for three or four days over the July 4th weekend and there are many activities to participate in. Talks on Meher Baba and His Messages are given daily. There are also sports and games, musical events, a toddy shop, participatory workshops and ample opportunity to meet new and old friends.
Adults and children of all ages come to share in the charged atmosphere created by Avatar Meher Baba's spiritual presence. Baba said, "When five or more are gathered together in my name, I am there."
About Sahavas, Meher Baba said,
"Drink deep at the fountain of love, but do not lose consciousness! If you can but taste even a drop of this love--what a wonderful experience it will be! Have you any idea what this Sahavas is? He who approaches me with a heart full of love, has my Sahavas. After I drop this body and my passing away from your midst, many things will be said about this Sahavas. Take fullest advantage of this opportunity in the living presence of the Avatar. Forget everything else but my Sahavas and concentrate all your attention on me. I am the Ancient One."
Meher Baba sent this message in 1958 to the West, in preparation for a Sahavas to be given there. He said, "I may give you more, much more, than you expect--or maybe nothing, and that nothing may prove to be everything. So I say, come with open hearts to receive much or nothing from your Divine Beloved. Come prepared to receive not so much of my words but of my Silence."
The Sahavas Effort
The Sahavas committee is part of the Avatar Meher Baba Center of Southern California. Planning for each Sahavas begins soon after the previous one, and continues throughout the year.
The Sahavas is an entirely volunteer effort. The committee gives its efforts to Baba that His lovers may draw deeply from His Ocean. Anyone may join the Sahavas effort, regardless of where they live. We actively invite your participation.
The Annual Silence Day Sahavas
is sponsored by the
Avatar Meher Baba Center
of Southern California
1214 South Van Ness Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90019-3520